steren’s avatarsteren’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,774

  1. I'm struggling to understand how the JAMstack is different from what was trending 10-5 years ago: frontend JS consuming RESTful APIs. Maybe it's the "M"? "Markup"? used for pre-rendering content at build time?
    OpenGraph image for
    1. …in reply to @steren
      And maybe we got better at splitting JS into modules? I agree that 10-5 years ago, loading 5MB of JS (including JS framework) before painting any content was a true mistake that even big names made (e.g. Twitter).
      1. …in reply to @steren
        But didn't we realize in the meantime that for pages with dynamic content, *some* server side rendering made sense for a faster first paint? (not talking about web apps, but web pages with e.g. a logged in user)