…in reply to @marekq
marekq mattomata @jonatasbaldin - On your screenshot, there is an "+Add" button. This will allow an identity to have permissions *on* the service (e.g. "anybody can invoke it") - If you are looking at the permission *of* the service (what the code has access to), click "Deploy" and change the service account.
…in reply to @steren
marekq mattomata @jonatasbaldin Permissions on the service: cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/iam/roles In particular giving "roles/run.invoker" to "allUsers" is how ypou decide to allow unauthenticated HTTPS invocations to your service. Permissions of the service: cloud.google.com/run/docs/configuring/service-accounts#deploying_a_new_service_with_a_non-default_identity To decide what the code has access to