steren’s avatarsteren’s Twitter Archive—№ 7,462

    1. select * from cloud; gets developer marketing. In 3 words, without even visiting the product page: - I guess what the product does and the problem it solves - know it's designed for developers like me - I want to try it and I'm going to do it now
      OpenGraph image for
  1. …in reply to @steren
    Delightful. The tool picks up your local gcloud config and credentials. Which means it works out of the box in Cloud Shell. Now we need Cloud Run support. (yes, I know, PR welcome)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @steren
      Ok, the code for listing Cloud Functions seems pretty straightforward I'm a noob in Go, but could give it a try for listing Cloud Run services. We just released new Go client libraries.
      OpenGraph image for